
Pastor Anita Clark - Pastor Anita is a graduate of Grace and Glory Bible College, and has a BA from Friend’s University. She was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 1960.

Carolyn Nichols
Jerry Siecgrist
Jerry Zielinski
Brad Clark

History - (click here)

Outreach Ministries

CD Ministry - free recordings of church services

Active in food distribution to poor and needy

Christmas - special distribution of food and gifts to needy

Individual Bible Studies upon request

Support of :

Missionary Outreach in Paraguay and Pharr, Texas

Topeka Rescue Mission, Topeka, KS,

Help House - Lyndon, KS

Shoe-box ministry of Samaritan’s Purse - Acting as the Relay Center for this area of Kansas to gather the boxes.
Gideon’s International world-wide distribution of Bibles

Other Activities

Write devotional and inspirational article for the local newspaper - Osage County Herald-Chronicle

Funeral Services, Wedding Services and Biblical Counseling Services